Where Have You Been?

Well, I haven’t been a man of my word. After starting this blog again after summer, I said that I would go back to normal and post on this every week. As I’m sure you’re aware, I haven’t been doing that at all. In fact, I’m going to be honest, I couldn’t be bothered. For some reason, this isn’t as fun as it used to be. I’m not entirely sure why, but I promised myself I wasn’t going to quit this until it’s at least been a year since I started. So let’s see how that turns out.

As I’m feeling a bit nostalgic, I’m going to go back to something I spoke about it my very first blog post. I was complaining that it’s next to impossible to get work experience in the TV and Film industry without any prior experience. Well, I proved myself wrong. As the old cliche says, it’s who you know, not what you know (thanks Megan). I finally landed myself a weeks experience at a post production company in soho. It’s in a couple of weeks so I’ll post about it after I’ve done it. But I’ll try and leave out all the information about making tea and coffee for everyone.

Just as a quick point though, if anyone reading this is or knows someone that works in film or television production then it would be greatly appreciated if you could help me get some more experience or even just an email address. I promise that when I make my first Hollywood film, you’ll be put in the credits, or I’ll just dedicate the film to you!

Enough begging though, time to move onto one thing that pissed me off this week. As a result of landing this work experience, I have to reschedule my trip to Newcastle. Fine, this shouldn’t be too hard, just change my trains, right? Wrong. I had to go through this long process of explaining why I wanted to change my tickets, then I had to book new trains in order to get refunded on my old booking. It all got a bit too much. Not only that, I lost £20 for changing two tickets. Thieving bastards. It’s cost them no money to change my tickets and I’m sure someone else is about to pay £60 to have my seat anyway.

I’m trying to look on the bright side of this though, which I can’t seem to find. But it’s money. It’s not that important. It grows on trees.

Movie news. Since I last posted I’ve only seen two new films. Legend and Everest. Going to start with Legend here. What a film. Admittedly, it wouldn’t be the same without Tom Hardy. His gritty, unique acting made the role and the film. He truly managed to capture the roughness and the fear that was a result of the Kray twins. Oh, and Emily Browning wasn’t too bad to look at either. It wasn’t a chore to watch her on screen.

But let’s move on to Everest. Incredibly disappointing. I understand it’s based on a true story but the way in which the film progressed was very slow, despite their being fast thunderstorms and shit loads of falling snow. Even so, I feel that it could have been made a lot better. I also feel that it was a rookie mistake not to see it in 3D. Personally I’m not a fan of 3D films because you’re focused more on whah the effects are like instead of losing yourself in to the film.

In movie news, the official trailer has been released for London Has Fallen and even though I haven’t seen Olympus Has Fallen, this looks like it is going to be amazing. From the trailer we can see famous London landmarks including Big Ben, The London Eye, Houses of Parliament and inside train stations. Whats even more incredible are the effects used to destroy this amazing city. It looks incredibly realistic and visually stunning. I highly recommend for you lot to keep your eyes open for this film and definitely check out the trailer.


This next film doesn’t need any explanation about it. The Hateful Eight. This is clearly a classic Tarantino and I encourage you even more to check out the trailer.


I’m going to leave it at that for this week. Next time I write, I’m planning on just talking about movies and not boring you all with my life stories at the beginning.

Till next time,

“Revenge is never a straight line. It’s a forest, And like a forest it’s easy to lose your way… To get lost… To forget where you came in”

Guess who’s back?

About bloody time. It’s been nearly four months since I posted on this blog and that is long enough. So much has happened over the last four months I wouldn’t dream to bore you all with it in one post. So sadly I will bore you for two maybe three weeks until I can pick up from where I left off.

First thing to talk about now I’m back:

I’m possibly the only person you will ever meet who can sadly say that they, well and truly, fucked up their knee by falling off a golf cart. “You play golf?” I hear you ask. No. No I don’t play golf. “You can fall off a golf cart?” I’m sure you’re thinking. Well, yes. Yes you can. “Were you drunk?”  No. I was stone cold sober. “So what the hell were you doing!?” I was at camp, had been there for ten days. I didn’t know which way I needed to use to get down to the football (soccer for my yanks out there) field (pitch for the Brits). I hear from a friend (hey sam) “whichever way doesn’t kill me”. Well I didn’t kill him, instead I went down the hill, apparently too quickly and fell off. At the time, I wasn’t sure what damage I had done. So after going to the emergency room, spending over a month on crutches, two x-Ray’s and an MRI scan later, I found out I had torn my ACL, Meniscus, some other ligament and completely wrecked the cartilage in my knee. All from falling out of a golf cart. Who the hell does that!?

Good ay? If you’re going to fuck something up, you might as well do it properly. Just for the record, these pictures were taken before the bruising got worse.                     So, for the people that know me, you can now say you know a dick head who had to have surgery to reconstruct their knee because they fell off a golf cart. You can thank me later.
The second thing I’m going to talk about is something that really makes my blood boil. Whilst I was at camp (this isn’t another injury story) I found out that my mum wanted to move house. Okay, fine. People always move house and it would be nice to have a bigger room. However, I then found out that she wants to move out of London to a tiny hamlet (smaller than a village) in the country. What’s wrong with that? Well, I don’t have a car so will be unable to get back into north west London to see my friends and family, any job I want in London after I graduate will cost me a fortune to get to, there’s literally nothing around the area so I’d be pretty damn bored, and in a few years time, my mum wants to bring her alpacas to this home. This is just ridiculous. And to top it all off, it’s a cottage. Not that there is a problem with living in a cottage, but I’m more of a normal house kind of person, preferably in the centre of London. A kid can dream. Oh, and whilst I remember, the ceiling is also about an inch away from my head. So I’m sure I’d feel a bit cramped.

 You might think this looks like a nice little cottage but to me, it’s not.

Now to move on to movie news: I’m not even sure where to start. Tarentinos hateful 8? The new jungle book film? Suicide squad? The list can go on… But picking one of those films, it has to be the jungle book. It’s fair to say that Disney has been a huge part of my life. The lion king, you story, Pinocchio, Mary Poppins, again this list could go on forever. One film that I’ve always loved though has been the jungle book. Originally released in 1967, I was shown it whilst growing up and would have no shame watching it right now. So many great songs are in it and I will most likely show my kids the film when I have them. But anyway, the trailer was released for the live action remake of the film and it looks sensational. With an A list cast to voice the animals, and a studio that’s known for its great work (pirates of the Caribbean) we are truly in store for a great film.

I now feel like it’s my obligation to talk about a film that’s been confirmed recently. Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci, Al Pacino and Martin Scorsese. Nothing else really needs to be said about this. The director of Wolf of Wall Street, The Departed and Casino. The stars of The Godfather tirlogy, Taxi Driver and Goodfellas. For anyone that likes movies, I’m sure you’re just as excited as everyone. I must admit, I don’t know much about the film but the fact it’s been confirmed that they should start filming next year makes me incredibly excited to find out more news.

Finally, whilst I was at camp I managed to make two videos. One of the training we have at camp and the other is camp when the campers arrive. Would be great if you guys could check them out!

Training         Camp

Till next time! Have a good one

“Me? I’m dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly… stupid”